Case of Operator Failure

We are retiring an old file server at work. One of the file shares held a bunch of text files of people’s log offs: username, date, time. The problem is I had no idea where this script was running from. RSOP.MSC didn’t show any scripts that would do this in the Logoff section of any applied GPOs and searches of SYSVOL with Agent Ransack came up with nothing.

I decided to use an old Procmon trick from Sami Laiho: Basically, this allows us to run Procmon remotely and in another user session, so we can trace events during user logons and logoffs. I did the remote Procmon trick, logged on and off and then took a look at the PML file in Procmon. I searched for the name of the share and behold: I found powershell.exe running a file called logout_oldadmin.ps1.

Doing an e-mail search with the script name, I found some old gpresult HTML reports in old e-mail messages which led me to the GPO name in question that was firing this script off. The question is why didn’t I see in this RSOP.MSC and why didn’t Agent Ransack find the script?

RSOP.MSC hasn’t been supported since 2006 and Microsoft even warns it may not show all of the group policies. Instead, you are supposed to use gpresult /h report.html. Mea culpa.

The Agent Ransack issue…I had a date filter set and didn’t realize it. Oof! Today’s lesson is if you don’t find what you are looking for, use a different tool. When I dropped to a CMD session, mapped a drive to SYSVOL and used “dir”, I could see the files.

  • Soli Deo Gloria

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