Here was a fun installer to get working silently. This one uses something called InstallAnywhere. It is a java based installer and if you Google InstallAnywhere silent, you will happen upon several command line options. The correct set for this version of the installer (2009 version) can be found here.
Here’s the command to install it silently:
xaclient_Hgenas400_P36001.exe -i silent
We can also record settings into a file and play those back. To record:
xaclient_Hgenas400_P36001.exe -r C:\temp\
Finally, we end up with this to install silently:
xaclient_Hgenas400_P36001.exe -i silent -f
The installer launches the program at the end: I didn’t see any settings to turn that off.
The PowerShell code starts off pretty boring:
$p = start-process .\xaclient_Hgenas400_P36001.exe -ArgumentList '-i silent -f' -Wait -Passthru
icacls *.lnk /grant:r everyone:RX
copy-item *.lnk -Destination C:\users\public\desktop
We kick off the installer, tell PowerShell to wait for the process to end and return an object (-Passthru), grant Everyone read and execute rights to the icon and then copy that icon to the the system shared desktop.
If you execute this code, however, the PowerShell script never progresses. This is because the installer runs the full program as a child process from the installer and until the program is closed, it waits for the installer’s termination forever.
The program is Java based and executes two processes: Infor XA Power-Link and javaw. We can create a loop waiting for these two processes, then kill them:
Do {
$status = Get-Process -Name "Infor XA Power-link" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If (!($status)) {
Write-Host 'Waiting for process to start' ;
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Else { Write-Host 'Process has started' ;
$started = $true
Stop-Process -name "Infor XA Power-Link"
Stop-Process -name javaw
Until ( $started )
I picked 2 seconds to keep checking the process list and not hammer the CPU. So obviously for this to work, we need to remove the -Wait and -Passthru options from Start-Process, but then how do we check if the program installed OK? We can check if the program executable exists and then return the proper exit code:
if (Test-Path('C:\infor\ERP XA Client\Infor XA Power-Link.exe')) {
exit 0
} #end if
else {
exit 1
} #end else
Anything other than exit code 0 is usually a failure (MSIs usually return exit code 3010 to indicate a reboot).
Using the exit command with a specific number seems to pass the exit code properly back to SCCM. Based on my Google-fu: it’s then best to wrap your PowerShell script in a batch file and then fire that from SCCM to get the exit code of any non-native command ran from within a PowerShell script:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file .\install_powerlink.ps1
echo %errorlevel%
exit /b %errorlevel%
- Soli Deo Gloria