Your System Administrator has blocked this Program

This was an interesting one.  I was converting some computers over from an older domain to a new one and was getting this logged in as a non-admin user when trying to change the domain membership:

Attempts to do a runas on Command Prompt ended up with this even more bizarre error message:

At first I thought it was the OS being corrupted on the computer, but I encountered this error on more and more computers.  If I logged in as a user with administrator rights, everything worked fine.

After digging for a while, I figured this had to be a UAC policy as we don’t use AppLocker.

The issue:


Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
Value: “ConsentPromptBehaviorUser”

This option SHOULD be set to ensure that any operation that requires elevation of privilege will fail as a standard user.

This option SHOULD be set to ensure that a standard user that needs to perform an operation that requires elevation of privilege will be prompted for an administrative user name and password. If the user enters valid credentials, the operation will continue with the applicable privilege.

The previous IT staff (who are no longer here) had set a policy disabling UAC elevation.  Doing so causes all kinds of crazy error messages like this one.  Why would they do that?  Well, the one guess I can come up with is that they didn’t want help desk calls from people encountering a UAC prompt. Of course, this also interferes with any IT staff attempting to do any work as all attempts to elevate to admin are blocked.

Some users had admin rights and some didn’t…the ones that didn’t were the ones where this issue was popping up on.  Thankfully, this policy isn’t set in the new domain.

  • Soli Deo Gloria

0x80004005: An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer

Started a new job recently and one of the techs was having a problem imaging a laptop with a recently replaced motherboard.  We would PXE boot the laptop and then WinPE would bomb out in 10 seconds stating “0x80004005: An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer”.

Nothing interesting was found on the SCCM side, however when I finally found the SMSTS.LOG in X:\Windows\temp\SMSTSLOG, I didn’t even have to open the file to figure out the problem: it was dated 2016!  Yup: it was a date and time issue.  If your computer skews too far from the current date and time, SCCM won’t talk to your computer.

You can use the commands date and time within cmd (hit the F8 key…you did enable this functionality, right?) to set the correct date and time.

  • Soli Deo Gloria

Create a Custom Installer Using Powershell

We run a program called QATRAX which doesn’t come as a MSI file for installing it.  The program has many sins: one of them being that it can only be installed to C:\program files\traxstar (it’s a x86 program) and it has to have write access to this folder.  Attempts to use a re-packager to convert this to a MSI file have failed, because all repackagers detect it should really go in C:\program files (x86), but of course that won’t work.

The program was made in the 1990s, so figuring out what files it copies to to system is quite easy.  You can use a tracing utility such as Process Monitor to watch for install changes.

# copy qatrax support files
copy-item *.dll C:\windows\syswow64 -Force

We could add registry entries using Powershell code line-by-line, but doing a registry export to a REG file and then import it is far easier in my opinion.

# import qatrax registry settings
regedit /s qatrax.reg

One thing to note is that we need to create an uninstall string manually so it shows up in Programs and Features as being installed.  This will also report back to WMI that the program is really installed to help with software inventory.  You should be able to get this from a system with the software already installed.

"UninstallString"="C:\\Program Files\\TraxStar\\uninstall.exe TRAXSTAR"

The program also has no native way of switching between dev and prod environments, so I wrote another wrapper that overwrites the values in the registry with certain IP addresses depending on which environment the user wants to be in.

# set everyone full-control to traxstar registry key. this is a hack to allow
# switching between dev and prod environments
$acl = Get-Acl 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TraxStar Technologies LLC'
$rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule ("Everyone","FullControl","Allow")
$acl |Set-Acl -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TraxStar Technologies LLC'

Make a folder in C:\program files

# create install folder (and yes, traxstar has to be in the x64 folder even though it's
# x86 or it will break
mkdir "C:\program files\traxstar\traxclient"

Grant everyone rights to write to this folder

# qatrax requires write access to its own folder
icacls 'C:\program files\traxstar\traxclient' /grant:r everyone:f

Copy files to C:\program files

# copy qatrax files to program install folder
copy-item qatrax.exe "C:\program files\traxstar\traxclient"
copy-item traxlaunch.exe "C:\program files\traxstar\traxclient"
copy-item uninstall.exe "C:\program files\traxstar"
copy-item *.log "C:\program files\traxstar\traxclient"

Build out the start menu

# create start menu items
mkdir "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\QATrax"
icacls *.lnk /grant:r everyone:RX
copy-item *.lnk "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\QATrax"

  • Soli Deo Gloria

PowerShell Code to Find Default Printer

Here’s some code to query what computers have a certain default printer with PowerShell:

$PrinterNameSeek = "\\XXXXXXX01\XX_OFFICE_CLR_01"

$DefaultPrinterObject = Get-WmiObject -Query " SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer WHERE Default=$true"
$DefaultPrinterName = $DefaultPrinterObject.Name.ToUpper()

write-host $DefaultPrinterName

if ($DefaultPrinterName -eq $PrinterNameSeek)


write-host $env:COMPUTERNAME
write-host $env:username

out-file \\XXXXXX\logs\$($env:COMPUTERNAME).$($env:username).XX_OFFICE_CLR_01.txt


This will need to be run as the end user to use $env:username, but if your ExecutionPolicy doesn’t allow it, you can remove it.

After running this for a few days: you can do a “dir *.* > list.txt” and then import this into an Excel spreadsheet using the import data from text file feature.

  • Soli Deo Gloria



Creating an Image of a Computer over the Network

This was unique one.  Had a user that kept running out of disk space.  Plan was to image her drive to a bigger drive (150GB SATA to 500GB SATA).  Problem? She works past 5PM, no upcoming vacation.

DISK2VHD to the rescue!  We can use this program to dump a copy of the disk to a VHD file to a network location after hours.  Imaging 109GB over a 1 Gigabit network took about 2 hours.  Note that Windows 7 can mount VHDs, but not VHDXs.  If you are an idiot like me: you can convert a VHDX file back to a VHD file using the command Convert-VHD within PowerShell on Windows 10.

Now we mount the VHD as a drive in Windows using the disk management snap-in (diskmgmt.msc).  Then I used AOMEI’s Backupper to do a disk to disk clone. The resulting copy needed a partition resize to use all available space on the new disk, so I had to blow away the 300MB Bitlocker partition at the end to expand it in disk management (we don’t use Bitlocker on desktops).

Pop in it and boom: works!

This also works for P2P conversions.  I took a guy from an Optiplex 745 to Optiplex 3020 using the same method.  Upon booting Windows, I got the the famous 7B BSOD.  I used the P2P adjust feature from Paragon’s Hard Drive Manager 15 Professional and was up and running after adding the correct drivers.

-Soli Deo Gloria


PowerShell Code to Replace Plain Text with in a Group of Files

Here’s some PowerShell code I wrote to replace the license server for Minitab 19:

# Ignore errors

$erroractionpreference = 'Continue'

# Change Minitab

$configFiles = Get-ChildItem "C:\ProgramData\Minitab" -filter *.ini -recurse -exclude *.dll, *.exe

foreach ($file in $configFiles)
 (Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
 Foreach-Object { $_ -replace "XXLIC02", "XXLIC09" } |
 Set-Content $file.PSPath

– Soli Deo Gloria

GPO: Enable the Policy to Disable the Setting

Got to love Group Policy sometimes.  We wanted to disable the setting “Access data sources across domains” under Internet Explorer>Security>Local intranet>Custom Level.  So of course we set the GPO “Access data sources across domains” to disabled and …it doesn’t work!  Users can still toggle the setting and we are still getting pop-ups in Internet Explorer.  The solution?  Enable the policy so you can disable it.  Yup!  Set it to enabled, then click the dropdown box and pick disabled.

Is this some voodoo Vulcan logic being used here?

– Soli Deo Gloria

Enable Dell TPM Chip with Powershell

Here’s some Powershell code I used to enable the Dell TPM chip with Dell Command.  The Get-Laptop function was provided by

The –% option (that’s dash-dash%) basically just says “Powershell, just pass these arguments along and don’t try to interpret them”.  This functionality requires Powershell v3 or later.

Probably would have been better to use Start-Process and check if the exitcode is not zero.  Note to use Dell Command to turn on the TPM chip you need to set a BIOS password and for 64-bit systems you need to use the 64-bit version of CCTK.

Function Get-Laptop
[string]$computer = "localhost"
$isLaptop = $false
if(Get-WmiObject -Class win32_systemenclosure -ComputerName $computer |
Where-Object { $_.chassistypes -eq 9 -or $_.chassistypes -eq 10 `
-or $_.chassistypes -eq 14})
{ $isLaptop = $true }
if(Get-WmiObject -Class win32_battery -ComputerName $computer)
{ $isLaptop = $true }
} # end function Get-Laptop

If(get-Laptop) {

.\cctk.exe –% –setuppwd=secretpassword
.\cctk.exe –% –tpm=on –valsetuppwd=secretpassword
.\cctk.exe –% –tpmactivation=activate –valsetuppwd=secretpassword
.\cctk.exe –% –tpm
.\cctk.exe –% –tpmactivation
.\MbamClientSetup.exe –% /q /acceptEula=Yes

else { # do nothing }


-Soli Deo Gloria

Deploy Infor XA Client with PowerShell

Here was a fun installer to get working silently.  This one uses something called InstallAnywhere.  It is a java based installer and if you Google InstallAnywhere silent, you will happen upon several command line options.  The correct set for this version of the installer (2009 version) can be found here.

Here’s the command to install it silently:

xaclient_Hgenas400_P36001.exe -i silent

We can also record settings into a file and play those back.  To record:

xaclient_Hgenas400_P36001.exe -r C:\temp\

Finally, we end up with this to install silently:

xaclient_Hgenas400_P36001.exe -i silent -f

The installer launches the program at the end: I didn’t see any settings to turn that off.

The PowerShell code starts off pretty boring:

$p = start-process .\xaclient_Hgenas400_P36001.exe -ArgumentList '-i silent -f' -Wait -Passthru
icacls *.lnk /grant:r everyone:RX
copy-item *.lnk -Destination C:\users\public\desktop

We kick off the installer, tell PowerShell to wait for the process to end and return an object (-Passthru), grant Everyone read and execute rights to the icon and then copy that icon to the the system shared desktop.

If you execute this code, however, the PowerShell script never progresses. This is because the installer runs the full program as a child process from the installer and until the program is closed, it waits for the installer’s termination forever.

The program is Java based and executes two processes: Infor XA Power-Link and javaw.  We can create a loop waiting for these two processes, then kill them:

Do {

$status = Get-Process -Name "Infor XA Power-link" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

If (!($status)) {
Write-Host 'Waiting for process to start' ;
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

Else { Write-Host 'Process has started' ;
$started = $true
Stop-Process -name "Infor XA Power-Link"
Stop-Process -name javaw

Until ( $started )

I picked 2 seconds to keep checking the process list and not hammer the CPU.  So obviously for this to work, we need to remove the -Wait and -Passthru options from Start-Process, but then how do we check if the program installed OK?  We can check if the program executable exists and then return the proper exit code:

if (Test-Path('C:\infor\ERP XA Client\Infor XA Power-Link.exe')) {
exit 0
} #end if

else {
exit 1
} #end else

Anything other than exit code 0 is usually a failure (MSIs usually return exit code 3010 to indicate a reboot).

Using the exit command with a specific number seems to pass the exit code properly back to SCCM.  Based on my Google-fu: it’s then best to wrap your PowerShell script in a batch file and then fire that from SCCM to get the exit code of any non-native command ran from within a PowerShell script:

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file .\install_powerlink.ps1
echo %errorlevel%
exit /b %errorlevel%

  • Soli Deo Gloria